LG's smart TV supports Apple's video streaming feature and smart home platform

By Park Sae-jin Posted : January 8, 2019, 16:19 Updated : January 8, 2019, 16:21

[Courtesy of LG Electronics]

LAS VEGAS -- LG Electronics' new rollable television will support Apple's video streaming feature and a smart home platform, allowing users to stream video from Apple devices and control it with a smartphone app or by asking Apple's artificial intelligence assistant.

LG said that its smart TV model, LG SIGNATURE OLED TV R, will support Airplay 2, Apple's content streaming feature that allows users to stream video and photographs onto other media devices such as TVs and projectors using their Apple devices.

Apple HomeKit, a smart home platform, would allow users to control the device by using the HomeKit app or asking Siri, an AI assistant. In addition, LG said its 2019 TV lineup would provide support for Amazon's AI assistant Alexa to provide similar features.

A day earlier, LG's domestic rival, Samsung Electronics, said it would begin supporting Apple's streaming feature on its smart TVs this spring. Through a firmware update, Samsung smart TVs worldwide would gain access to Apple's iTunes Store, Apple's online music and film store, and support Airplay 2.

Previously, the American smartphone maker had kept its streaming feature and online store only for Apple device users. Other than LG and Samsung, Japanese electronics maker Sony will also support Airplay 2 and HomeKit to its Google-based Android TVs.

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